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Painting Advice: How to Clean Your Brushes and Rollers using a Minimal Amount of Water

We are all aware of the need to save water in everything that we do. Here you will find out how to do so the next time you have to clean paintbrushes and roll­ers.

Water-Saving Cleaning System

This system is based on the use of two separate contain­ers in which brushes, rollers and other equipment are first washed, and then rinsed. By rotating the containers, the solids in the paints are sepa­rated from the liquid, making it easier to dispose of each component separately. This system will work well for both water-based and solvent-based paints.

Water-Based Paints

At the end of each job, wipe or squeeze excess paint onto any absorbent material such as old rags, newspapers or cardboard boxes. Allow whatever material was used to dry and then dispose of it with your regular household waste.


Wash brushes and rollers in a 20 litre (or similar sized) container. Transfer the washed items to another similar container filled with water for a second rinse. Place lids on the containers and leave them to stand overnight. In the morn­ing, the paint solids in the first container will have settled to the bottom. The clear water from this container may now be poured onto any grassed or open area where it can be absorbed into the ground. However, avoid areas near riv­ers and lakes.


Now you are ready to dispose of the residual paint solids at the bottom of the first container. Scrape the sediment from the bottom of the container out onto ab­sorbent material such as old rags, newspaper or cardboard boxes. Allow to dry, then place in a plastic bag and dis­pose of with the household waste or take directly to the nearest council landfill. If you have more painting to do, the second container can now be used for the first wash. Use this rotation system until the job is completed.

Solvent-based paints

Follow the same procedures for water-based paints when using solvent-based paints – just remember to use mineral turpentine or another paint solvent. Allow the first con­tainer to stand for at least 24 hours after the brushes have been washed, as it will take this long for the paint solids to settle, and use a clear solvent above. Remember not to shake it up, as this will disturb the paint solids that will have settled at the bottom of the container. Do not pour the clear solvent onto the ground – use it to top up the second container, or decant it and keep it for future use.

Planning Ahead

It’s a good idea to keep a container of “dirty” turpentine at hand for cleaning purposes. Kept in a secure container and in a safe place, you will be able to reuse the solvent time and time again.

Never pour leftover paint down the drain!

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